Delta is a general ship supply company providing shipchandlery services at all Turkish Ports, Shipyards and Bosphorus with a great coverage by both bricks&mortar existence and representative offices accross Turkey.
100% accuracy of the items that we supply. We know the importance of correct and accurate delivery and also we are very much aware about the quality requirements set by the major ship management and shipowning companies.
We keep thousands of items in stock (fully paid for), thus enabling us to supply last minute orders without delay and unpredictable price increases.
Prime location that enables us to serve our clients in a prompt manner and offer no or the most cost-effective delivery fees.
Great purchasing power and profit policy enable us to purchase the items at lowest rates and therefore we can offer our clients the most reasonable prices.
We strive to the fullest extent in order to provide our customers with a complete package of reasonable pricing, above standard product quality and top quality service.
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